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ACM Supports the GSS 2013

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world's largest educational and scientific computing society delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.

Hear from award winning geographer, Paul Longley, at GSS 2013

Hear from the 2013 Royal Geographical Society Victoria Medal Awardee, Paul Longley during the 2013 Geospatial Scientific Summit from 27-28 November 2013 at the Dr. Sultan Al Qassimi Centre for Gulf Studies, Sharjah.

Big Data Geographies of Human Genetics, Migration and Social Media Usage: using GIS to understand population dynamics at temporal scales from the dynastic to the diurnal

This presentation presents interim findings of a research programme to map the effects of human population movements in the UK over the last Millennium, as manifest in the geography of human DNA. It then discusses the use of new data sources to map global population movements through the geographic analysis of family names. Finally, the focus turns to the use of social media data to map daily activity patterns at scales from the local to the global.

About Paul Longley
Prof. Paul Longley (B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc., AcSS) is Professor of Geographic Information Science at University College London, UK. His publications include 14 books and more than 125 refereed journal articles and contributions to edited collections. He has held over 40 research grants and has supervised more than 35 Ph.D. students (most funded by research councils). He is a co-editor of the journal Environment and Planning B and a member of five other editorial boards. He has held ten externally-funded visiting appointments and given over 150 conference presentations and external seminars. He teaches Geographic Information Systems and Science and is a co-author of the best-selling book of that name. He was the the 2013 winner of the Royal Geographical Society Victoria Medal.

2013 Geospatial Scientific Summit to be held under the Patronage of Dr. Sultan Al-Qassimi Centre for Gulf Studies

We are proud to announce the patronage of Dr. Sultan Al-Qassimi Centre for Gulf Studies (DSQC) for the upcoming Geospatial Scientific Summit 2013 to be held at the Auditorium, DSQC, Sharjah from 27-28 November 2013.

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