Image Processing & Remote Sensing

Additional Geomatica Tools

  • Pansharpening
  • SAR Polarimetry

Pansharpening is the fusion of low-resolution multispectral (color) and high-resolution panchromatic (black and white) imagery to produce high-resolution multispectral imagery. Fusion is important to remote-sensing applications and requires detailed spatial and spectral information.

We designed our pansharpening module through a comprehensive analysis of existing fusion techniques and results. Specifically designed for the new generation of high-resolution satellites, our pansharpening package provides an easy-to-use algorithm that preserves both spatial and spectral integrity.

Our Geomatica Pansharpening package:

  • supports all sensors
  • merges data from different sensors
  • supports 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit real data
  • provides a simple-to-use, one-step process.

For more information regarding technical specifications, please click here.

The SAR Polarimetry Workstation is a comprehensive toolkit designed to help develop techniques for applying SAR polarimetry to Earth-monitoring and resource-management challenges. This state-of-the-art software reads the radiometric and geometric metadata to provide target selection, target analysis, and dataset processing utilities designed specifically for Polarimetric SAR data.

The SAR Polarimetry Workstation can:

  • Assimilate a variety of POLSAR data products in their original distribution formats.
  • Map product-specific metadata to a set of standardized metadata items.
  • Provide multiple modes of interactive target selection.
  • Provide a comprehensive set of target analysis operations with both numerical and graphical output.
  • Provide a comprehensive set of operations with numerical and graphical output.

For more information regarding technical specifications, please click here.

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